Right To Information Cell

Right to Information

The Right to Information Act came into being in the year 2005. The basic object of the Right to Information Act is to empower the citizens, promote transparency and accountability in the working of the Government and it mandates timely response to citizen requests for Government information. It is an initiative taken by Department of Personnel and  Training, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Govt. of India to provide an RTI Portal Gateway to the citizens for quick search of information on the details of first Appellate Authorities, PIOs etc. amongst others, besides access to RTI related information/disclosures published on the web by various Public Authorities under the Government of India.

In line  with the initiative taken by the Govt. of India, the College also provides RTI Portal Gateway to the citizens of the country in addition to filing applications Offline. To file their application Online, the citizens are  required to submit their application through https://rtionline.gov.in  and Offline application may be submitted to the concerned Public Information Officers and Appellate Authorities, as the case may be, as detailed below.

Fee Payable

  1. Rs.10.00 only as application fee.
  2. Rs.2.00 for each page (in A-3 or A-4 size paper) created or copied.
  3. Actual charge or cost price of a copy in larger size paper
  4. Actual cost or price for samples or models; and
  5. For inspection of records – no fee for the first hour, and a fee of Rupees 5.00 for each 15 minutes (or fraction thereof) thereafter. 

Sl. No

Name of the PIO

Subject matter

Name of the Appellate Authority



Dr. E.F.P Lyngdoh,

Matters related to:

All Academic Projects

Study and duty leave of teachers

Attending seminars by teachers under merged scheme

Academic Departments

Matters related to students’ activities such as accommodation in the Hostels, fellowship,  scholarships etc

Matters related to National Service Scheme (NSS)

Any other matters related to administration

All matters related to Library

All matters related to Teaching & Non-teaching Staff- concerning:

  • Advertisement of posts
  • Appointment/ Promotion
  • Pay Fixation
  • Various kind of Leave
  • Disciplinary Proceedings
  • Retirement

All matters related to Examination Department

Matters related to:

  •  Planning/Statistical Cell
  • Internal Quality Assurance Cell
  • Equal Opportunity Cell

All matters related to Sports activities of the College.

President Governing Body:

Prof. P Nongkynrih, Retd. Faculty, Department Of Physics, NEHU.

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