About the Department

                    Statistics department was established in the year 2005 as an elective subject .With the introduction of the semester system in 2015. The Department received provisional affiliation for honour’s course with the NORTH EASTERN HILLS UNIVERSITY in the academic session of 2019. The Department has well qualified teachers and the subject in combination with Mathematics,Economics and Statistics has lots of scope after graduation. The teacher’s here are very helpful and hard working and will always give their best for the students to understand the subject properly.

                    The pass percentage for our first and second batch in the year 2022 and 2023 was 100% where two of our student.

  1. Hari Lanong has secured 3rd Position in the UG University Examination NEHU 2023.
  2. Kalphida Kharsati has secured 8th position in the UG University Examination NEHU 2022.


Staff Members

Smt.Evarilang Tariang



Shri. Rangdajied Chyne

(Head of Department)


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