Sankardev College

Online Admission Form-Degree Section

Personal Information Details

Present Address
Permanent Address Check if Permanent Address Same as Present Address.
Parent's/Guardian's Information
Class-X Information
Class-XII Information
Subjects opted for in FYUG-Programme (*Please Read the Prospectus Properly)


I declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge and I shall also be subjected to all discipilinary rules and regulations of the College authorities. I do hereby solemnly confirm that I have received, read & understood all the above rules and regulations given along with the Prospectus. In case of any violation of rules, my name shall be liable to be struck off by the Principal. Futher I shall also appear in all the examination and tests conducted by the College. I shall neither form nor join any union within the campus of the College except the Sankardev College Students Council.

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